
th23 User Management

Styled user management for login, register, user profile... - optional: user chosen passwords, e-mail validation, admin approval, reCaptcha and more
최근 업데이트일
May 16, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목
th23 User Management

All user management activities like login, user profile, register, lost password, etc. can be done via the themed frontend of your website. Access for user groups to unstyled admin area can be restricted and wp-login.php can be disabled. Users will only see the nicely styled side of your page 🙂

The plugin is very flexible, allowing for further modifications and extensions to hook into, displaying further user management activities on the frontend of your website.

Additional options to enhance user experience further are available as a Professional extension of this plugin and include:

  • All user management actions available on frontend styled according to theme – including profile changes, lost password, reset password
  • Access to the unstyled admin area can be restricted based on user groups – wp-login.php can be disabled completely
  • User chosen password upon registration option available – including initial e-mail validation
  • Admin approval for new users option available – before user can login
  • Use reCaptcha against spam and bots upon registration, lost password and login – after specified amount of unsuccessful attempts
  • Introduction of e-mail re-validation upon changes of address

In case you want to see the plugin in action, feel free to visit the authors website.

For support, feedback and suggestions, please visit our FAQ and support website!

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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