
Text Domain Inspector

Text Domain Inspector is a plugin that helps to inspect text domains of translatable strings
최근 업데이트일
June 14, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

Have you ever been frustrated when trying to find the text domain of translatable string you want to translate? This task can be challenging and it can take a lot of your time even if you have code reading skills.

This plugin aims to solve this problem by allowing website administrator to inspect text domains of translatable strings directly in the browser.

How to use: * Press “Inspect Text Domains” button in admin menu bar; * Red dots will appear next to translatable strings; * Hover the red dot to view the text domain; * Open source code in the browser to view text domains in HTML attributes (ctrl+u (Windows) / cmd+opt+u (Mac));

Works in: * HTML documents; * HTML fragments; * HTML attributes; * Plain text; * Dynamically loaded content (through AJAX); * JSON;

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활성화된 설치 항목
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