
Swipe Slider – Make dynamic slider with solid, gradient, or image background

Swipe through beautiful sliders! Add images, videos, or text. Choose solid, gradient, or image backgrounds. Effortless & mobile-friendly!
최근 업데이트일
June 26, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

Transform your website with Swipe Slider, the all-in-one WordPress plugin for creating stunning & interactive sliders in minutes!

Effortlessly swipe through captivating images, videos, or content. Swipe Slider empowers you to design & customize your sliders with ease.

Choose from solid, gradient, or image backgrounds to perfectly match your website’s aesthetic. Insert any content you desire – text, buttons, forms, and more!

Built for speed & mobile responsiveness, Swipe Slider ensures your website delivers a flawless user experience on any device.

Boost engagement with interactive features and showcase your content in a visually compelling way.

Swipe Slider is the perfect solution for:

  • Photographers & artists: Showcase your portfolio with stunning visuals.
  • Bloggers & storytellers: Captivate your audience with engaging content.
  • Businesses & marketers: Make a lasting impression with interactive sliders.

Download Swipe Slider today and take your website to the next level!



  • Responsive Design: Customize slider height, column count, and gap for desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Guarantee a flawless user experience across all devices!
  • Multi-Background Options: Choose from solid colors, gradients, or images to create unique backgrounds for each slide. Make your sliders stand out with diverse and visually appealing backgrounds!
  • Unlimited Content: Add any type of content to your slides, including text, videos, images, buttons, and more. Craft engaging and informative sliders that perfectly suit your needs!

How to use

  • Begin by installing the Block plugin.
  • Add the Block from the “Widgets” block category within the Gutenberg Editor.
  • Customize block settings from the settings sidebar on the right.
  • Enjoy!

  • For installation assistance, click on the Installation tab.


External Resources

Demo Images

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활성화된 설치 항목
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