Add subtitles into your WordPress posts, pages, custom post types, and themes. No coding required. Simply activate Subtitles and you're ready.
최근 업데이트일
August 29, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목

Right now WordPress currently presents no easy way for web publishers to add subtitles into their posts, pages, and other custom post types. This leaves users and developers in a bit of a quandary, trying to figure out how best to present subtitles in a beautiful and sensible way. Post excerpts are a very poor choice for subtitles and the only available option outside of custom fields, but custom fields aren’t entirely self-explanatory or user-friendly. This simple, straightforward plugin aims to solve this issue.

Simply download Subtitles, activate it, and begin adding subtitles into your posts and pages today. For more advanced usage of the plugin, please see the Frequently Asked Questions.

If you like Subtitles, thank me with coffee. If you find it buggy, tell me on GitHub. And if you have a cool example of how you’re using Subtitles on your website, let me know on Twitter.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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