Styler for Gravity Forms is an addon for Gravity Forms plugin to help you customize the form styling with Live Preview.
최근 업데이트일
March 4, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Styler for Gravity Forms

Styling Gravity Forms has never been so easy! Get complete control of styling with various options and live preview as you make changes.


This plugin requires Gravity Forms Plugin. Get Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms is a premium drag and drop form builder plugin for WordPress.

Getting started:

Follow these 5 simple steps to build beautiful forms.

  • Step #1: Install/Activate Gravity Forms plugin. Get Gravity Forms
  • Step #2: Create New Form and Publish it.
  • Step #3: Edit to the page where you want to embed the form and publish/update it.
  • Step #4: Now, view this page and click the “Customize” link in the WordPress admin bar at the top of the page.
  • Step #5: Find and open Styler for Gravity Forms panel and customize your form. That’s all!
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