
Storify Stories Slider

Short code that allows you to easily add a slider displaying the last 20 stories/liked stories of a Storify user in a horizontal or vertical slider.
최근 업데이트일
October 29, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목
Storify Stories Slider

Integrate your Storify Stories into your pages, articles or template elements using this smart short code slider.

The Plugin parameters allow you to easily customize the Storify Stories Slider by:

  • choosing the Storify account
  • resizing the slider width and height
  • displaying a specific number of stories
  • choosing the slider orientation (vertical or horizontal)
  • displaying the account own stories or liked stories … and more to come

The Storify Stories Slider plugin was conceived by Damien Van Achter Lab.Davanac, implemented by Tesial with the support of the Storify‘s Team.

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