Move old add to cart button for woocommerce plugin to fix at the end of mobile screen
최근 업데이트일
September 8, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
Sticky Add to Cart

Sticky add to cart plugin provide high performance for e-commerce store because in currently most user visit website via mobile device. So user interface of youe site paticularly e-commerce site should be adapt to this trend. This plugin responds to this very strongly.

Sticky add to cart plugin will move old add to cart button for woocommerce plugin to fix at the end of mobile screen. This plugin also keep button style following your theme is. So don’t worry about inconsistency of UI.

Features of this plugin:

  • Use for Woocommerce
  • Show result on mobile & tablet screen only
  • Keep button style following your theme
  • Support all browsers
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활성화된 설치 항목
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