
Squad Modules Lite – Advanced Divi Modules for Divi Theme, Extra Theme and Divi Builder

The Essential Divi plugin, offering 25+ stunning free modules like Advanced Divider, Flip box, and more.
최근 업데이트일
June 23, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Squad Modules Lite – Advanced Divi Modules for Divi Theme, Extra Theme and Divi Builder

Squad Modules Lite – The Ultimate Free Divi Modules and Extensions Plugin

Elevate Your Divi Experience with Squad Modules Lite

Squad Modules Lite is a revolutionary free plugin that takes your Divi page building experience to new heights. Designed specifically for the Divi theme and Divi page builder, this plugin introduces a powerful suite of over 25 free Divi modules and 5 free Divi extensions, empowering you to create visually stunning and highly functional websites with ease.

Key Features:

  • 25+ Free Divi Modules: Enhance your Divi workflow with a diverse collection of free modules for layouts, content, interactive elements, engagement, social proof, and form styling.
  • 5 Free Divi Extensions: Unlock additional functionality with free extensions for copying posts/pages, utilizing Divi Library shortcodes, uploading custom fonts, importing/exporting with JSON, and working with SVG graphics.
  • Lightweight and High-Performance: Squad Modules Lite is meticulously crafted to ensure lightning-fast loading speeds and a seamless Divi editing experience.
  • Complete Customization: Each Divi module offers extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor your website design to match your brand perfectly.
  • Granular Control: Optimize website performance by selectively enabling or disabling individual Divi modules based on your needs.
  • Regular Updates: Benefit from continuous improvements with frequent updates that introduce new Divi modules, features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements.

Included Divi Modules:

Layout & Content Divi Modules:

  • Divi Advanced Divider Module: Craft visually appealing dividers with various styles, shapes, and customization options.
  • Divi Post Grid Module: Showcase your blog posts in a stylish and organized grid layout.
  • Divi Drop Cap Text Module: Add emphasis and style to your text content with beautiful drop caps.
  • (…and more)

Interactive Divi Modules:

  • Divi Before After Image Slider Module: Engage visitors with interactive image comparisons, showcasing transformations or product variations.
  • Divi Flip Box Module: Create captivating elements that reveal additional information or a different design on hover.
  • Divi Lottie Animation Module: Effortlessly integrate eye-catching animations to enhance your website’s visual appeal and user experience.
  • (…and more)

Engagement & Social Proof Divi Modules:

  • Divi Star Rating Module: Add stylish star rating functionality to your content, allowing visitors to provide feedback and ratings.
  • Divi Post Reading Time Module: Inform readers of the estimated reading time for your blog posts, helping them plan their time effectively.
  • (…and more)

Form Styler Divi Modules:

  • Divi Form Styler: Contact Form 7 Module: Effortlessly customize the design of Contact Form 7 forms with color, font, spacing, and CSS options.
  • Divi Form Styler: WP Forms Module: Effortlessly customize the design of WP Forms with color, font, spacing, and CSS options.
  • Divi Form Styler: Gravity Forms Module: Effortlessly customize the design of Gravity Forms with color, font, spacing, and CSS options.
  • Divi Form Styler: Ninja Forms Module: Effortlessly customize the design of Ninja Forms with color, font, spacing, and CSS options.
  • (…and more)

Powerful Free Divi Extensions:

  1. Copy Post or Page (Multisite Supported): Easily duplicate your posts and pages with a single click, even on multisite installations.
  2. Divi Library Shortcode: Insert Divi Library layouts anywhere using a shortcode, streamlining your workflow.
  3. Font Upload: Upload custom fonts to your website for a unique and consistent visual identity.
  4. JSON Upload: Import and export Divi layouts, settings, and data using JSON files for easy backups and migrations.
  5. SVG Upload: Upload custom SVG graphics to your website, ensuring high-quality, scalable visuals across all devices.

Upgrade to Squad Modules Pro for Divi

Unlock the full potential of Divi with Squad Modules Pro, featuring over 30 advanced Divi modules and extensions. Effortlessly drag-and-drop pre-built modules, fine-tune every aspect with unmatched customization, and enjoy lightning-fast performance.

Additional Resources:

About the Developers

Squad Modules Lite is developed by the Divi Squad and WP Squad Team, a dedicated WordPress product company committed to providing you with the tools you need to build incredible websites with the Divi theme and Divi page builder.

Show Your Support!

If Squad Modules Lite has helped you streamline your Divi workflow and enhance your website design, please consider leaving a 5-star rating: Rate Squad Modules Lite

Your positive reviews and feedback help us continue improving our products and delivering exceptional Divi modules and Divi extensions to the Divi community.

Join the Divi Revolution

Whether you’re a seasoned Divi user or just getting started, Squad Modules Lite is the perfect companion to unlock new possibilities and take your Divi website design to new heights. With a diverse range of free Divi modules and extensions, you’ll have everything you need to create visually stunning and highly functional websites that captivate your audience.

Don’t settle for limitations – embrace the power of Squad Modules Lite and unleash your creativity with the world’s most popular WordPress theme and page builder, Divi. Download Squad Modules Lite today and experience the future of Divi website design!

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