
Soundcloud Latest Tracks

This plugin simply allows you to choose a Soundcloud user and display an x amount of latest tracks from that user using a nice lil' shortcode or …
최근 업데이트일
February 2, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목
Soundcloud Latest Tracks

This plugin is to fill the hole in the WordPress plugin directory where users wish to show their latest X amount of tracks on X amount of rows each row being an embedded Soundcloud player.

The user will also have the option to add a “hear more” button to get the next X amount of tracks from the chosen Soundcloud user.

The reason I find this better than embedding a single Soundcloud player (that plays multiple tracks) is that users will be interacting more with the site instead of heading off to Soundcloud and also get a better sense of your website’s style with my plugin rather than a player you slapped on the site.


Head on over to to buy me a coffee to keep me energised from fixing all those nasty bugs!

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