
SKT Themes Demo Import

Live demo content can be imported quickly in just one click including all widgets and settings.
최근 업데이트일
October 3, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
SKT Themes Demo Import

Live demo content can be imported quickly in just one click including all widgets and settings. To establish a new website, this plugin provides a a basic layout plus it speed up the process of development.

In APPEARANCE > SKT Import Content, it will built up the page.

The three files upload inputs will be presented if you are using the theme that do not have any import filed predefined.

Demo content XML file needs to be uploaded as first file is important, for the real demo import.

The second one is not that much important. however for widgets import you will be asked for a WIE or JSON file. With the help of this you can create a file Widget Importer & Exporter plugin.

The third option is also not mandatory. thus the customizer settings will be imported, select the DAT file that can be easily generated from Customizer Export/Import plugin (from the same theme if and only if the export file was created than only the customizer settings will be imported.).

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