SJ Reading Time helps you to quickly estimate your content read time and insert using a shortcode.
최근 업데이트일
June 15, 2024
SJ Reading Time

SJ Reading Time is a simple content read time estimator. Our settings allow you to control how many words per minute (wpm) on average you would like to use to determine read time, as well as, if images should be part of this estimate.

A shortcode is provided which gives complete control over where on your post you would like the estimate to be placed.

For example: [sjrt_reading_time label=”Reading time:” postfix=”mins” postfix_singular=”min”]

All the above attributes are optional and if not provided the default values will be shown which are:

  • label – Reading time
  • postfix_singular – min
  • postfix – mins
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이 플러그인은 다운로드 가능하며 워드프레스 독립 호스트 설치에 사용할 수 있습니다.