
Simple Sticky Header on Scroll

Add the modern functionality of a sticky header that appears on scroll to your theme.
최근 업데이트일
August 4, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Simple Sticky Header on Scroll

The “Simple Sticky Header on Scroll” plugin adds a slide-down sticky header to any WordPress theme. When scrolling down, the header appears and presents quick navigation opportunities for the user; this is a modern usability solution that’s more and more popular these days, and now you can add a sticky header to your site without having to switch or alter your current theme in any way.

Add your logo, color customize every detail to make sure it fits your theme’s color scheme, enable/disable different elements like the ‘next post’ button. When on smaller screens, the horizontal menu switches over to a dropdown menu, ensuring a comfortable browsing experience on all devices and screen sizes. You can also customize after how much scrolling the sticky header slides into view to fine-tune it to your site.


  • Quick and simple setup
  • Add your logo and menu
  • Set custom scroll distance for sticky header’s appearance
  • Color customize every element
  • Setup and customization can be done quickly and in real-time via the WordPress Live Customizer
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