
Simple Content Templates for Blog Posts & Pages

Create content templates for your posts and pages. When creating a new post or page use one of your content templates as the starting point!
최근 업데이트일
September 22, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
Simple Content Templates for Blog Posts & Pages

This plugin makes it simple to create content templates for your posts and pages. When creating a new post or page use one of your content templates as the starting point. Simple Content Templates allows you to define a title, post body, and even an excerpt.

How Simple Content Templates Works

  1. Install and activate the plugin.
  2. You should have a new menu item in your admin dashboard “Content Templates”
  3. Use the “Add a Template” button to create a template. Add the title and content you want to be able to start with when creating blog posts or pages. Go ahead and publish the template.
  4. When creating a new post or page, in the sidebar you should see the option to “Load a Content Template.” Select the template you want to use and click the “Load Template” button.
  5. After the page refreshes, edit the post or page however you want and publish it like normal.
  6. …next time you need to write a similar post or create a similar page, do it all over again!

Unlock More Features

  • Custom Post Types
  • Custom Fields
  • Tags
  • Categories
  • Featured Images:

If you need any of these, you should check out the pro version of this plugin, Advanced Content Templates: Advanced Content Templates

We hope you enjoy creating with Simple Content Templates!

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