
Simple Page Hierarchy Widget

Displays the most logical arrangement of Parent, Child, & Grandchild pages.
최근 업데이트일
February 5, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목
Simple Page Hierarchy Widget

Designed to display the Parent, Child, and Grandchild hierarchy in the most straightforward way out of the box.

This plugin will provide a widget that locks the Parent page as the widget title.

If this is a child of the top parent, the widget will display the Parent as the title of the widget and a ul of links for all siblings of the current page.

If this is a grandchild of the top parent, the Widget will display the same as the scenario above with the addition of a sub ul of all siblings of this grandchild.

Test it out, if it doesn’t work like you want out of the box, this plugin isn’t for you.

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