Simple IP Ban is a lightweight ip / user agent ban plugin.
최근 업데이트일
December 10, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
IP Ban

UPDATE1: For the admin user the plugin it’s not active.

UPDATE2: Added Ip Range feature for ip list.

IP Ban is a security plugin, protects your site accessing from unwanted ip addresses or user agents. You can add ip addresses or user agents creating your own black list.

It also good to protect your site from unwanted crawlers, which uses your resource and bandwidth. Just add an ip address or user agent and things will happened.

After the plugin activation, in the SETTINGS menu you’ll see the Simple IP BAN submenu. Here you have 3 textareas:

  1. Add ip address or range here.

  2. Add user agents here.

  3. Define external url . All spammers will be redirected to this url.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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