Simple Donate is a leveled PayPal donation plugin. Featuring an easy to use shortcode & generator, it is great for nonprofits & political camp …
최근 업데이트일
October 28, 2011
활성화된 설치 항목

Simple Donate, by Ethoseo Internet Marketing allows you to easily add PayPal donation forms to your site. By using a shortcode, that can be generated within the visual editor, users can create a multilevel PayPal form, allowing donors to choose from predetermined amounts or select their own, often this can increase donation amounts by prompting donors.


  • Donation levels (fully compatibly with Benevon donation suggestions)
  • Ability to limit single contribution amounts (useful for political campaigns)
  • Shortcode generator built into visual editor (with easy API, for you developer folks)
  • Easy integration with Google Analytics
  • Multiple currencies
  • Simple stylability
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활성화된 설치 항목
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