
Shortcode Table of Contents

Display an automated table of contents via shortcode.
최근 업데이트일
July 31, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
Shortcode Table of Contents

Simply use the [toc content=".your-container"] shortcode to automatically generate a table of contents for any HTML container.

The shortcode accepts a number of parameters:

  • content string required A CSS selector indicating the container of your content.
  • headers string A comma separated list of heading selectors that you want to include.
  • speed int Speed of sliding back to top.
  • anchor-class string Class of anchor links.
  • anchor-text string Prepended or appended to anchor headings. Leave blank to disable anchor links.
  • top_class string Back to top button or link class.
  • spy true/false Enable scroll spy. This will highlight the list items as you scroll past them.
  • position append/prepend Position of anchor text.
  • spy-offset int Specify heading offset for spy scrolling.
무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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