
Server-Side Google Search

Adds a lightweight Google Custom Search to your website, without the need for JavaScript.
최근 업데이트일
August 17, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin adds Google Custom Search to your website, but unlike other plugins operates on the server side, thus eliminating the need for JavaScript and keeping the page size small.

The admin interface is based on that used by the [WP Google Search plugin] (

The interface with the Google API is based on Digital Collection Search by Jason Clark for Montana State University.

Available languages

  • English
  • Spanish (incomplete)

Follow this project on Github


This plugin uses wp-cli and PHPUnit for testing. The tests require runkit for mocking functions.

  • Grab the latest source from github:

    $ git clone

  • Install wp-cli

  • Install PHPUnit
  • Set up runkit:

    $ git clone $ cd runkit $ phpize $ ./configure $ sudo make install

Add the following lines to /etc/php5/cli/php.ini: runkit.internal_override=1
  • Install the test WordPress environment:

    cd server-side-google-search bash bin/ test_db_name db_user ‘db_password’ db_host version

where: ** test_db_name is the name for your temporary test WordPress database ** db_user is the database user name ** db_password is the password ** db_host is the database host (eg localhost) ** version is the version of WordPress (eg 4.2.2 or latest)

  • Run the tests phpunit
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활성화된 설치 항목
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