
SEObot Monitor for Googlebot, Bingbot and search engine spiders

With SEObot Monitor for Googlebot you will be able to dump the server logs to Google Analytics, easily and automatically. This will allow you to dete …
최근 업데이트일
August 2, 2021
활성화된 설치 항목
SEObot Monitor for Googlebot, Bingbot and search engine spiders

With SEObot Monitor for Googlebot you will be able to dump the server logs to Google Analytics, easily and automatically.

This will allow you to detect SEO failures before it will be too late

Googlebot Monitor features

This plugin allows you to monitor bots such as used by Google or Bing and dump the data into Google Analytics. In this way, access to key information from the server logs is easier. The track is automatic, and does not require any action by the team managing the server or web development.

Log analysis can help you understand if search engines are visiting all pages or if some pages are having crawling problems.

How it works

To activate it and make it work properly, you must:

  1. Create a new property in your GA account (IMPORTANT: NEVER use the same Google Analytics UA-XXXXX that you usually use for tracking)
  2. Enter the UA of the new property in the plugin options.
  3. You can extend the regular expression to register additional bots (Advanced users only)

Plugin compatibility

Googlebot Monitor is fully compatible with WordPress and also with YOAST SEO plugin

This plugin use native WordPress hooks for total compatibility.

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