Very simple "SEO" plugin with SEO & OG meta tag features (i.e Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, Meta Robots & Canonical).
최근 업데이트일
September 5, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
SEO Manager

Very simple “SEO” plugin with SEO & OG meta tag features (i.e Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords, Meta Robots & Canonical).

Simple yet powerful WordPress SEO plugin.

It includes all the features you would expect from a SEO plugin like meta title, description, open graph support, image and more.

In “SEO Manager” plugin there are not any hidden code so its not impacts your site speed as well.

  • The Title Tag alone can impact your search engine rankings.
  • Descriptive tags may encourage users to visit your site.
  • The meta description may serve as “organic ad text.”


  • Enable SEO meta section for custom Post Type
  • Enable SEO meta section for custom Taxonomy
  • Enable SEO meta section for custom Tags
  • Add SEO meta content for archive pages
  • Add Tracking code

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