
AI Content Writer, RSS Feed to Post, Autoblogging SEO Help

SEO AI content writing in One Click + AI Image Generator. RSS Feed to Post, Autoblogging, LinkBait or Clickbait titles, Scan for Broekn links and more …
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May 30, 2024
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AI Content Writer, RSS Feed to Post, Autoblogging SEO Help

What is SEO Help with One Click Turbo AI Content Writer, AI Image Generator and RSS Feed AutoBlogging?

Powered by OpenAI ChatGPT (also, Google BARD / Palm AI in the SEO Help Pro version) for AI content writing and DALL-E for AI Image Generator, SEO Help is a unique WordPress plugin with various helpful SEO Tools. With SEO Help you can also curate contents, autoblog, import RSS Feeds to Posts within a few minutes. We are adding a suit of small and unique tools to this plugin that can help your website rank higher in search engines result pages (SERP).

Support, Bug Report, Feature Requests | Grab the Pagespeed Friendly SEO Help Theme |Upgrade to SEO Help Pro!

//-> Try our ChatBot for WordPress with AI – WPBot. It is an easy to use, Native, No coding required, AI ChatBot to provide Automated Live Chat Support. Use ChatBot to answer user questions and also collect information from the users using conversational forms. It can be also be powered by DialogFlow, Tavily or OpenAI ChatGPT or simply use the built-in features to provide Live support and collect user data. ++ Check out ChatBot for WordPress Demo.

OpenAI ChatGPT Powered AI Content Writing

With just one click you can quickly and easily generate high-quality content that is optimized for SEO and tailored to fit your brand’s voice. Give your website the boost it needs with GPT3 AI Content Writer & Generator!

If you’re looking to give your website an edge in today’s competitive digital landscape, the GPT3 AI Content Writer & Generator plugin could be just what you need. This powerful tool uses advanced natural language processing technology to automatically generate high-quality, engaging content for WordPress sites in minutes. With just a few simple clicks, you can create SEO-friendly posts and pages tailored to match your business’s unique tone of voice.

Start getting more visitors today by taking advantage of this innovative AI solution! With GPT3 AI Content Writer & Generator, you can create content on almost any topic with just a few clicks of your mouse. This plugin is easy to use and features intuitive customization options so you can tailor it exactly to your needs. With its powerful AI algorithm, it can generate content that is both informative and accurate.

The ChatGPT AI Content Writer & Generator offers a unique way to create and generate relevant, on-topic content quickly and easily. This plugin makes use of state-of-the-art natural language processing technology to understand user input and turn it into meaningful content for various purposes.

RSS Feed to Post, Autoblogging

With SEO Help, let your site autoblog from RSS feeds and stay fresh with new content. Simply paste some RSS feed URLs and select the update dates. The plugin will automatically keep populating your WordPress site with fresh contnts regularly. With the SEO Help Pro version you can also select to Rewrite the RSS feed contents with OpenAI before posting. SEO Help lets you aggregate unlimited RSS feeds and automatically publish them on your blog. Automatically convert RSS feed items to WordPress posts easily and quickly.

AI Image Generator with DALL-E

Generate unique, royalty-free images for your blog and website in seconds with cutting-edge AI image generator. Use your OpenAI API key to generate any type of images you wish at the fraction of the cost of stock photo sites. SEO help uses OpenAI DALL-E2 to generate images using your OpenAI API key. Download the chosen AI generated image directly to your Media Library.

Write Better Blog Titles

This plugin can help you write better Link Bait titles. The included LinkBait title generator will take the WordPress post title as Subject and generate alternative ClickBait titles for you to choose from. You can keep regenerating titles until you find one that you like. Increase your blog article’s CTR with this handy little tool.

Auto Generate Tags

Auto Generate relevant tags to help your SEO for your blog post. You can create SEO freindly tags directly from the blog post edit page. Powered by Google.

Check Broken Links

SEO Help also provides External Broken Link Checker support. Comprehensive scan for broken external links with options for custom post types, WordPress pages, posts, time scope and post status.

Quick Scan for External Broken Links

Quickly check broken links from your default WordPress posts and pages and generate a useful report to fix them. The quick scan broken link checking tool is suitable for reletively smaller number of posts and pages.

Open external links in a new tab or window

Just select this option from SEO Help settings and all external links on your website will automatically open in a new browser tab or window. This feature Opens external links in a separate browser tab or window. External links starting with http:// or https://) both are supported.

Do More with SEO Help Pro!

OpenAI ChatGPT Powered Content Generator

🚀 Supports both Google AI (PALM AI engine used in Google BARD) and OpenAI (ChatGPT) 🚀 Generate Text Contents for your Blog with the Click of a Button – Turbo content generator 🚀 Generate Single Articles directly from your Blog post edit page 🚀 Generate BULK articles and schedule each article’s publish time 🚀 Select to auto publish or save in draft 🚀 Generate summeries for Blog Posts automatically using OpenAI ChatGPT. Automatic content summary (summarizer) or TLDR can be helpful for both your readers and SEO. Blog Post Article Summaries are automatically added to your contents and can make your content look fresh to Search Engines if you enable Generate multiple summaries and use them randomly. 🚀 Automatically Create and Insert AI Images inside your articles 🚀 Options to fine tune your articles (How many headings?, Heading Tag, Writing Style, Writing Tone, Image Size, Language, Add Image, Add Tagline, Add Introduction, Add Conclusion, Add Faq, Anchor Text, Target URL, Add Call-to-Action, Call-to-Action Position, Add Keywords, Keywords to Avoid, Make Keywords Bold etc.) 🚀 A Collection of hundreds of ready Prompts for your ideas 🚀 Generate royalty free AI Images with many different options (Artist, Style, Photography, Lighting, Subject, Camera, Composition, Resolution, Color, Special Effects, Size9(up to 4K)) 🚀 Save AI Generated images to Media Library with one click 🚀 AI Image Gutenberg Block. Create and Insert Image directly into your blog post 🚀 Generate Meta Description with one click 🚀 Add meta description tag automatically to the page source 🚀 OpenAI playground 🚀 ChatGPT in WordPress backend

RSS Feed to Post, Auto Blogging

🚀 Automatically Import and Convert RSS feed items to WordPress pages, posts, and custom post type. 🚀 Automatically import and aggregate unlimited RSS feeds from unlimited sources 🚀 Schedule RSS Feed to Post according to your need for Autoblogging 🚀 Rewrite RSS feeds with OpenAI AI before publishing to prevent duplicate contents

SEO Features

🚀 Outputs all the essential meta tags that are essential for Search Engine Optimization 🚀 Meta tags can be set for each Post type 🚀 Configure Meta Tags Globally and Per Post basis 🚀 Generate and Add Meta Description with one click 🚀 Set the OGP information required for Social Networking Websites such as Facebook and Twitter. 🚀 Customize the meta tag information individually for each post, page, and term. 🚀 Easily set the Google Analytics measurement code and Webmaster Tools verification code. 🚀 Works out of the box

SEO Optimized Images

🚀 Dynamically insert SEO-Friendly “alt” and “title” attributes to your images. Simply activate the plugin, provide the pattern, and you are ready to go. 🚀 Dynamically replaces the “alt” and “title” tags. It does not make any changes to the database. This means that if you deactivate the plugin, everything will return to the original settings. 🚀 Insert an image name, a post title and a post category in the “title” and “alt” attributes of the image.

No-Index Features

🚀 Easily add a meta-tag for robots noindex tags to parts of your WordPress site as necessary from a central location

Pages and Posts

🚀 Front Page: Block the indexing of the website’s front page. 🚀 Home Page: Block the indexing of the website’s home page. 🚀 Page: Block the indexing of the site’s pages. 🚀 Privacy Policy Page: Block the indexing of the website’s privacy policy page. 🚀 Single Post: Block the indexing of a post on the site.


🚀 Categories: Block the indexing of the website categories. 🚀 Tags: Block the indexing of the website’s tags.


🚀 Date: Block the indexing based on any date-based archive pages. 🚀 Day, Month, Time, Year: Block the indexing for daily, monthly, by time, or yearly archive of the site.


🚀 Archive: Block the indexing of any type of Archive page. Category, Tag, Author and Date based pages etc. are all types of Archives. 🚀 Author: Block the indexing of the author’s page, where the author’s publications appear. 🚀 Post Type Archive: Block the indexing of any post type page.

Pagination and Search

🚀 Pagination: Block the indexing of the pagination, i.e. all pages other than the main page of an archive.

🚀 Search: Block the indexing of the internal search result pages.

Attachments and Previews

🚀 Attachment: Block the indexing of an attachment document to a post or page. 🚀 Customize Preview: Block the indexing when a content is being displayed in customize mode 🚀 Preview: Block the indexing when a single post is being displayed in draft mode.

Error Page

🚀 Error 404: This will cause an error page to be blocked from being indexed. As it is an error page, it should not be indexed per se, but just in case.

Other Features

🚀 Works with all modern browsers 🚀 Scan for Broken Links on your website 🚀 Open External links in new window 🚀 Priority, Premium Support 🚀 Auto Upgrades for Plugin

Support, Bug Report, Feature Requests | Grab the Pagespeed Friendly SEO Help Theme |Upgrade to SEO Help Pro!

More SEO Tools Coming Soon

This is a work in progress. We are actively working on adding more features.

If you have any feedback, bug report or feature wishlist please leave a comment in the support forum. Thanks!

Who is it for?

SEO Help is a must have plugin for you if you are a:

  • Blogger
  • SEO specialist
  • Content Curator
  • Marketer
  • Webmaster

How does it help you?

Attractive Titles make people click on your link. Increased CTR helps your page rank higher in Google search results. Check for broken links and remove them from your website for better SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

SEO Help Features

  1. OpenAI GPT3 Content Generator, One Click content generator
  2. OpenAI DALL-E-2 AI Image Generator
  3. LinkBait Title Generator
  4. Comprehensive check for broken links
  5. Time scope, custom post type and post status support
  6. Quick check broken links for Pages and Posts
  7. Broken link checker for the popular Simple Link Directory plugin.
  8. Open External Links in a New tab or window


  1. After activating the plugin, Go to SEO Help->Settings and activate the features you want
  2. Go to Add or Edit a Post/Page – you will see SEO Help blocks on the right of your Editor.
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