
SEO Friendly Social Share Buttons

SEO Friendly Social Share Buttons is a plugin that lets people share your content on social media. It does not use any Javascript so it does not slow down the pagespeed. Therefore this plugin is an easy way to keep the website fast, but still having social share buttons on the page or post.
최근 업데이트일
June 6, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목
SEO Friendly Social Share Buttons

This plugin does not use any Javascript code or other scripts that need external sources. Therefore we do not lose any pagespeed when using these buttons. It’s an easy way to keep the website load very fast and can help us rank higher in search engine results.

We can adjust the settings for this plugin in the ‘settings’ menu of your WordPress installation. There we can either chose to add the seo friendly social share buttons to a page or post, or both.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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