
Seers | GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent & Compliance

Free, simple & most effective way to comply with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, CNIL, PIPEDA & DSGVO cookie consent regulations on WordPress.
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May 29, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Seers | GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent & Compliance

Seers Cookie Consent WordPress Plugin is the best GDPR compliance solution that enables you to implement Cookie Banner/ Cookie Notice/ Cookie popup on your website and helps businesses to achieve compliance with all the privacy regulations worldwide. Includes European Union’s GDPR, California’s CCPA, Brazil’s LGPD, Germany’s DSGVO, Frances’s CNIL, Italy’s Garante, Singapore’s PDPA, South Africa’s POPIA, UK’s GDPR, Canadian PIPEDA, Australia’s OAIC, China PIPL and more.

Seers cookie consent popup is designed to be the best free cookie consent plugin for WordPress websites to simplify the setup and support GDPR cookie compliance. It is a free, easy, and attractive way to get a cookie solution, obtain consent, find cookies and trackers, record consent and fill all legal information in your cookie banner, which is required to stay compliant. The Seers Cookie Consent WordPress Plugin is one of the best plugins for GDPR Compliance that has features stated below:


The Best GDPR Compliance plugin is easy to set up and only takes one click to integrate with WordPress websites.

Single cookie consent platform for multiple countries Configure a Cookie Notice for specific regions like the EU, UK, France, Italy, USA, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, China, or Canada as per their privacy regulations.

Cookie scanner Scan your Website Cookies so you can quickly enlist the cookies that your website is using in the cookie and privacy policy with consent expiration.

Fully customised cookie popup solution Allow you complete banner customization, including the banner colours, fonts, styles, positions, layouts, location, and even how it behaves when you click “Accept” or “Allow”. With the support of this WordPress GDPR compliance plugin, you can fully customise the cookie notice style so that it blends in with your existing website’s theme.

Enable Google & Facebook Consent Modes Integrates with Google and Facebook consent mode with the implementation of Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. Use Tag Manager and automatically anonymizes IP addresses for Google Analytics if needed.

Block cookies Blocks third-party cookies (Google Maps, AdSense, Recaptcha, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many more). Cookie Database of 750,000 cookies pre-fill detected cookie data with clear and transparent cookie descriptions that are updated regularly.

Compatibility Compatible with all browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Explorer & Edge. Works with all the popular themes, including Divi, Elementor, and more.

Available Plugin Integrations Seamlessly integrates with local or other popular plugins like Gutenberg Google Analytics, Google Maps Widgets, WP Forms, WP Google Maps, Easy Digital Downloads, Contact Form 7, WPBakery, Woocommerce, Gravity Forms, Divi, Elementor, Foeminator, Beehive, GADWP, and many more. Support Options – Documentation and Online support

Up-to-date with changing or emerging regulations Cookie compliance covers regional and sub-regional current and upcoming laws and regulations like:

  • EU GDPR (DSGVO): The General Data Protection Regulation
  • PECR: The Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations
  • ePrivacy directive
  • France’s CNIL: Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertiés
  • Canadian PIPEDA: The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
  • California CCPA, USA: The California Consumer Privacy Act
  • Brazilian LGPD: The Brazilian General Data Protection Law
  • Australian OAIC: Australia’s Privacy Principles
  • Chinese PIPL: Personal Information Protection Law
  • Indian PDPB: Personal Data Protection Bill

If you want more cutting-edge features, You can visit Seers Pricing Plan and choose the Premium package.


FREE Features PLUS

  • Manage multiple websites under one admin panel
  • Google and Facebook Consent Mode
  • Child Privacy Consent Management
  • Prior Consent. Cookies don’t fire till user consent. GDPR Article 5
  • Cookie policy. Required by GDPR article 12
  • 5+ Banner Layouts & Preset Designs
  • Scan Unlimited Subpages
  • Manages Cookie Categories and list of cookies such as CookieID, Name, Description, Type, Category, Duration, and Header & Footer Script.
  • Fully Customization of buttons, styles, colours, and fonts resembling your own website’s theme and style.
  • Displays the cookie banner in the header, and footer as a pop-up, or as a widget.
  • Enables to display cookie notice settings popup where site visitors can consent to cookie categories.
  • Automatically or manually scans and blocks scripts such as Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Pixel, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
  • The consent analytics dashboard allows you to track visitors’ consents and adjust accordingly.
  • Improve your cookie banner acceptance rate by monitoring progress via a consent activity graph.
  • Enables users to have granular control over website cookies and scripts.
  • Auto-update cookie consents when there is a change in the cookie policy.
  • Multi-Lingual Banners, automatically translate all banner text strings allowing custom translations – 30 languages
  • Detect Geolocation
  • Automatically generates cookie policy.
  • Banner as seen on UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office website
  • Branding – Own logo
  • Compatible with qTranslate, Polylang, WPML, etc.
  • Cookie declaration Table including cookies purpose. PECR – Reg 6
  • Consent Log. Record user’s consent is required by GDPR Article 30
  • Customize Cookie Policy Design
  • Compatible with major caching plugins and servers such as WP Rocket, WP Engine, Bluehost, W3 Total Cache, SG Super Catcher, etc.
  • Pre-configured to prevent Dark Patterns through our unique Intentional Consent design.
  • CCPA Banner – Opt-Out option
  • World Class UK based Customer Support
  • In line with the regulator’s age-appropriate design & code of practice.

Central Admin Panel Seers is the only cookie solution provider which enables you to control unlimited websites from one admin panel. This flagship feature helps developers and owners to manage all tasks from a central dashboard.

Cookie Database Seers have a cookie database of over 750,000 cookies with its purposes. It synchronises the most recent description for cookies used in the cookie declaration table and cookie policy to fulfil the GDPR article 12 requirement.

Cookie Notice CookieNotice JS is a very simple and small JS script with multi-language support for GDPR/DSGVO‎ transparency and notification purposes that provides an easy way to show a cookie notice on your website. In this notice ‘we’ and ‘our’ means Seers which operates this platform.

Translation You can contribute to translate GDPR & CCPA Cookie Consent | Seers on in your local language.

Declaration This plugin uses API to create your free account. Developing organisation: Cookie Consent Plugin by Seers for WordPress You can read our terms of use here You can read our privacy policy here We use “Powered by Seers” and place a Link to Seers on banner.

Disclaimer This plugin does not make your website compliant. You are still fully responsible for ensuring that all GDPR requirements and any local data protection regulations are met on your website.

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