
Save & Import Image from URL

Allows you save an image from a remote URL to the WordPress media gallery, create local thumbnails and rename image.
최근 업데이트일
December 11, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목

This plug-in replaces the built-in “Import from URL” media upload tab to allow you to download an image from a remote URL into the WordPress media gallery. Thumbnails for the remote image are created locally, and after upload you are able to add custom media attributes (like caption, title) and insert the image into your blog post.

How to Find the Plugin:

  • When editing a post, click “Add Media”
  • Then select “Save & Import from URL”: If your window is large, this is in the sidebar on the left. If your window is small, you need to select the drop down menu where “Insert Media” is preselected.

List of Features:

  • Directly include a remote image into a blog post without having to save it to your computer locally
  • Be a better internet citizen: avoid hotlinking images with ease!
  • Rename image after download
  • Full integration with media library – including creation of thumbnail images


  • Builds on the idea of the Grab & Save plugin, but compatible with WordPress 4.2+ and support for thumbnails
  • Free plugin brought to you by flexponsive
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활성화된 설치 항목
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