
Robots & Sitemap

Plugin allows easily generate sitemap.xml filе, create and edit robots.txt for your single site or multisite
최근 업데이트일
March 16, 2021
활성화된 설치 항목
Robots & Sitemap

Our plugin will help you generate sitemap.xml for your site in a few clicks. All you have to do is choose what types of posts you want to add, set the priority and update period, and the plugin will do the rest automatically. You can split the sitemap by type or display everything in one sitemap.xml file, we want everyone to be able to choose the most suitable solution for themselves. If you want to hide your sitemap from fake bots, our plugin gives you this option as well.

You can also easily create a robots.txt file using our plugin. To do this, you no longer need to connect to website files via FTP, because all work with robots.txt takes place right in the admin panel. Save your time by solving routine tasks in a couple of clicks using our plugin

Sounds great? Download our plugin and start to work with it right now. It’s absolutely free!

Maintenance Our team supports all the plugins developed by us. Our main goal is satisfied customers. We are open to any suggestions and ready to give an answer to all your questions. Feel free to contact us:)

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