

WordPress plugin that set post view count for each post and reports them in a chart.
최근 업데이트일
May 8, 2019

WordPress plugin that set post view count for each post and reports them in a chart.also you can access to post views count of each post in front end and admin panel.

You can see post view count with below ways:

  1. WordPress widget
  2. Short code [rngja_postviews]
  3. Developers can access post views in wp_postmeta with meta_key ja_postviews
  4. Function rngja_get_post_viewe_count

For showing post views count with function put this code in your main loop if (function_exists('rngja_get_post_viewe_count')) { echo rngja_get_post_viewe_count(get_the_ID()); }

And also in admin panel:

  1. WordPress Dashboard widget
  2. Post list screen

Main features in rng-postviews include

  • Very light and easy to use
  • Have function and short code for showing post views count
  • WordPress Widget
  • This plugin avoids from any conflict with other plugins
  • Has not any overhead

it is strongly was recommended that after the plugin is activated, go to the Settings > Last post viewed and configure the plugin.

Github Repository

Also You can this plugin on github:

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