
Responsive Videos

An easy way to add mobile responsive videos to your posts, pages, widgets, and other content areas.
최근 업데이트일
May 2, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

It’s never been easier to include responsive Youtube and Vimeo videos on your website. From a simple, intuitive interface you can insert a video right into your posts, pages, and widget areas within seconds. Include a description of the video, customise the look and feel, comes with multiple sizes to choose from that are fully customisable, and several video alignments are available.

A shortcode is generated and is used to create the content. Included in the plugin are shortcode generators so you can create one without worrying about how to write a shortcode manually.

Full supporting information is built right into the plugin with a bespoke plugin settings page. Shortcode information fully documented.

Get started today!

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활성화된 설치 항목
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