
Responsive Video Embeds

Automatically resize WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion.
최근 업데이트일
January 23, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목
Responsive Video Embeds

This plugin will automatically resize your WordPress auto-embeds, including video and other iframes, in a responsive fashion. It currently supports the following providers:

  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • DailyMotion
  • Viddler
  • Revision 3
  • Funny or Die
  • Scribd

Live Example

Visit the test page where you can resize the browser and watch the videos automatically scale to fit the resolution.

About WordPress Auto-embeds

WordPress has a nifty auto-embed feature, allowing authors to automatically turn a link to a video embed into a video player when a post is viewed. To turn this feature on check the Auto-embeds check box in Administration > Settings > Media SubPanel.

Under the hood

Please note that this plugins modifies the output of modify_embed_output filter, adding HTML & CSS to make the magic happen.

Credit for the method used in this plugin goes to Anders M. Andersen for crafting the method used to gracefully resize the embeds.

Create and maintained by Kevin Leary, a WordPress developer living in Boston, MA.

Multisite Compatibility

The Responsive Video Embeds plugin is compatibly with WordPress Multisite, just use the Network Activate feature to enable responsive video resizing embed on every site. If you only want responsive video resizing to happen on a specific site, activate the plugin for that site only.

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