
ReactPress – Create React App for WordPress

Easily create, build and deploy React apps into your existing WordPress sites.
최근 업데이트일
February 24, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
ReactPress – Create React App for WordPress

ReactPress enables you to easily create, build and deploy React apps into your existing WordPress sites. Use your React knowledge to create single page applications for your WordPress customers.

Get started in seconds and develop your React app with instant feedback and your WordPress theme in mind.

Combine the flexibility of WordPress with the UI capabilities of React and seamlessly integrate create-react-app into your WordPress project for your next SaaS.

ReactPress does 3 things:

  • It integrates your local dev server into your WordPress theme, that you have instant feedback, how your React app looks in the context of your WordPress website.
  • It builds your React app in a way that it is usable from your WordPress site.
  • It makes it easy to upload your app to a live server after building.


  • Fast refresh during app development
  • WordPress integration during development
  • Easy deploy to your live site
  • client-side routing
  • zero-config
  • TypeScript support


System Requirements

To develop React apps your WordPress instance needs access to:

  • Access to the PHP function file_get_contents. Some hosting providers deactivate fopen on which file_get_contents depends. Access to file_get_contents is neccessary on your dev and your live system!
  • POSIX compatible system, Windows support is experimental. (Alternatively Windows users can use WSL2)
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