
Rate This Page Plugin

Rate This Page is a Wikipedia Article Feedback Tool like plugin where you can rate certain posts or pages of your blog.
최근 업데이트일
March 19, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목

Rate This Page is a Wikipedia Article Feedback Tool like plugin where you can rate certain posts or pages of your blog.

This plugin contains the following features: Ability to select where the plugin UI will be positioned on the content; Ability to choose insertion if either on Page, Category or Both; Admin can view reports of rated posts or pages; The label can also be customized based on the like of the admin to be its label.

Using cookies, the plugin stores a session if a guest user rates certain posts or pages and it uses AJAX to store the rating information.

PS: Please post any bugs, issues and suggestions about the plugin. This will help us to better enhance our released plugin.

Supported language: English

About Plugin Support

Plug-in is provided for free. However, the support is never free. Currently available step by step tutorials on the plugin website:

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활성화된 설치 항목
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