
Random Excerpts Fader

Creates a widget that takes randomly a number of excerpts from a category of your choice and fades them in and out.
최근 업데이트일
February 4, 2017
활성화된 설치 항목
Random Excerpts Fader

This plugin was developed to display excerpts from random posts in a category. jQuery is used for fading the plugin in and out. It’s a great way for displaying testimonials of clients or just giving a snapshot of content from your site.

Shortcode added as of version 1.4

The most basic use is: [reFader] this will use the default options. Here is an example of all the options in use [reFader title=”Random Excerpts” cat=”23″ type=”post” amount=”5″ length=”50″ duration=”5000″ linked=”no” url=””]

This will show 5 (amount) posts (type) from category #23 (cat). It will show 50 (length) words from each post and fade out/in every 5 seconds (duration). It will not link each title to the corresponding post, but it will link all the titles to this plugins page (url).

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활성화된 설치 항목
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