
Quick 301 Redirects for WordPress

The fastest & easiest way to do 301 redirects. You can set each redirect or bulk upload unlimited number of 301 redirects using a CSV file
최근 업데이트일
March 26, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Quick 301 Redirects for WordPress

The fastest and easiest way to do 301 redirects. You can set each redirect individually or bulk upload unlimited number of 301 redirects using a CSV file.

You can use Quick 301 Redirects for small website with just a few pages and also for sites with thousands of pages. Use Quick 301 Redirects to set up your 301 redirects in seconds, you can redirect internally to your domain or to any other domain.

Set 301 Redirects Manually Or In Bulk

Manage all your website’s 301 redirects without any professional knowledge. All you need is to install our plugin, and the leave the rest to our super simple UI (RTL supported).

Our super simple UI will enable you to set your redirects manually one-by-one or using a CSV file for bulk upload.

New! After saving your 301 301 redirects you’ll see a link button near each redirect that’ll allow you to test each and every 301 redirect.

New! You can now export your 301 redirects into a CSV file.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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