
Quantcast Choice

The Quantcast Choice plugin implements the Quantcast Choice TCF v2.0 Consent Tool offering support for GDPR (including Non-IAB vendors), CCPA and ePri …
최근 업데이트일
October 6, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목

TCF v2.0 Update The Quantcast Choice Plugin is an easy way to add the Quantcast Choice TCF v2.0 Consent Management Platform (CMP) to your WordPress website. In addition to adding Quantcast Choice to your website this plugin also makes it easy to push consent signals to the Data Layer and add CCPA support to your website footer.

Quantcast Choice supports GDPR, CCPA and ePrivacy Directive regulation compliance including IAB and custom Non-IAB vendor support.

From your dashboard you have the ability to customise Quantcast Choice:

  1. Geo location targeting (Everyone, EAA + UK, United States, etc)
  2. IAB vendor support and customisation
  3. Non-IAB vendor support and customisation
  4. Add Custom Non-IAB vendors
  5. CCPA support and customisation
  6. CMP display style customisation and themes
  7. CMP messaging and links customisation
  8. Consent scope
  9. Consent configuration
  10. And more….
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