A WordPress plugin for syntax highlighting using Pygments, though Pygments is not required to be installed.
최근 업데이트일
September 27, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목

By default, Pygment It will auto discover if Pygments is installed (through command -v pygmentize). If not, it will use http://pygments.appspot.com to highlight code (but without support for: highlighted lines, line numbers and line number to start).

  • Syntax-highlighted code cached as post metadata
  • Admin panel to choose theme, default language and Pygments usage (local, external API or auto discover)
  • Multiple themes available (github, monokai, railscasts, mustang, among others..)
  • Support for hl_lines (highlighted lines), linenos (line numbers) and linenostart (line number to start) when using a local installation of Pygments
  • Works with all Pygments’s supported languages (the full list can be found here)
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활성화된 설치 항목
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