A plugin to manage Fastly caching behavior and purging.
최근 업데이트일
June 15, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목

Purgely manages caching behavior for WordPress sites using Fastly as an edge caching solution. The plugin exposes useful APIs to help control how pages on your site are cached, as well as provides sane defaults to make this a plug and play solution for Fastly cache management.

The plugin handles the following:

  • Sets the Surrogate-Control header to control the expiration time for pages
  • Sets the stale-while-revalidate and stale-if-error Cache-Control directives for managing these special Fastly behaviors
  • Set groups of Surrogate-Keys for all pages to provide purging across multiple pages with one command
  • Provides invalidation of posts and related posts on save

Each of these items have sane defaults with ways to override them and configure them to your liking.

Additionally, the plugin exposes a WP CLI command to provide more flexible purging options.

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