Puchi is simple content A/B testing plugin with powerful feature.
최근 업데이트일
September 25, 2019

Create a sales/landing page that convert is hard. There is no bulletproof formula for copywriting. That’s why alot of Internet Marketer using Split Test method to find out best copy that work for their product. But, create multiple sales/landing page is time consuming. What if we only need to test couples of paragraph or just one call to action button rather than change the entire page completely? Well Puchi A/B Testing come with that answer.

Puchi A/B Testing is simple yet powerful split test plugin to find out best content variation for your sales/landing page. It’s separate each content of your sales/landing page for testing. You can add muliple content variation to your sales/landing page. It’s also enhanched with intuitive and informative statistic feature so you can track the split testing results and decide which copy that perform better than the others.

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Privacy Notices

This plugin will record visitor IP Address as statistic dependency to populate the data. It will also call third party service that explained below:

  • Call http://www.geoplugin.net to get IP Address detail info which is City, Country and Country Code.
  • Fetch the data using API endpoint http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip=IP_ADDRESS
  • Please check the Privacy Policy and Acceptabe Use Policy for this service.
  • It’s also write cookies for visitor data which contain IP Address, City, Country and Country Code so it will not abuse the geoplugin policy.
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