
Privilege Menu

This plugin allows you to display menu items based on if a user is logged in, logged out or based on the role you have given the user.
최근 업데이트일
February 18, 2019
활성화된 설치 항목
Privilege Menu

This plugin allows you to display menu items based on if a user is logged in, logged out or based on the role you have given the user.

This plugin allows fine-grained permissions to be added to each individual menu item to display or not display the item based on the users logged in/logged out status or the role assigned to the user. This solves the problem of having to modify theme functions.php files to add in menu restrictions. The changes in functions.php is often overwritten by a theme update. This plugin removes that worry, as you can update the theme, independent of the plugin.

Please Note

This plugin uses a modified version of the Nav Menu Walker class. This means any other plugins that utilize their own custom Nav Menu Walker class, can and will conflict with this plugin. WordPress developers have support for proper custom hooks in this area of the Admin Menu slated for v4.8 release. Please see FAQ item “I cannot see the options for Privilege Menu under menu items in the Admin Panel?” for more information.

무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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