
Portgorod OcStore & Opencart product widget

This plugin creates simpe widget to show products from your opencart or ocstore in your wordpress.
최근 업데이트일
January 10, 2014
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin creates simpe widget to show products from your opencart or ocstore in your wordpress. It takes from shop bd the right amount of random products with “tag”. If amount wit “tag” is less than need, it takes random product from category (you can setup this category). If there are no setuped category, it shows just random products.

A few notes about the sections above:

  • You can set up domain of store or it’s adress ( -> or -> different ways
  • Plugin works correctly with different type of urls: /shop/category/product.html (“seopro” plugin for ocstore or opencart) /shop/category/product (“seopro” plugin for ocstore or opencart) /shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=20&product_id=40 (clean ocstore or opencart)
  • You can select db prefix of store tables
  • Works perfect with “display widget” plugin (you can show different products in different pages or categories of blog)
  • You can edit template. It is very simple, because template is .html file.
  • You can create your own different templates.
  • You can chose “tag” to show (you should set up tag in product page in admin pannel of shop)
  • You can chose number of products
  • Different ways to create thumbs
  • If your blog and your shop on one domian, you can try to set up “add to cart” button right from blog
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