
Popularity Posts Widget

With help of this plugin you can display the most popular posts on your blog.
최근 업데이트일
March 24, 2013
활성화된 설치 항목
Popularity Posts Widget

Want something to say – write me to mih.barinov at gmail dot com

This plugin allows you to show your most popular posts as a widget on your blog!

Main Features

  • Time Range – You can choose a specific time range (today, last 7 days, last 30 days, all time) to sort youre posts and know the most popular of them within that period
  • Flexibel Display Settings – How many posts to display? Whats the posts title length must be? Should views, comments or dates displayed in every post in list? To all this quastions you can answer witch help of flexible widget settings!
  • Display a thumbnail of your posts!
  • Categories Filter – Should youre posts displays from all categories or only from specific one?
  • Easy to Change CSS Styles – ppw.css file in youre full possession. Do with him all what you want!
  • Shortcode and Template tag support – use the [ppw] shortcode or ppw_get_popular_posts() template tag to showcase your most popular posts. For detail information, please refer to the faq section.

To-Do List

This is the list of some features, that I planning to add in next versions of plugin. Please donate to help me make all this things.

  • New styles for plugin.
  • Unique visitors filter.
  • Compatibility with caching plugins (such as WP Super Cache/W3 Total Cache).
  • Compatibility for external images.

If you have some other suggestions you can mail me to mih.barinov at gmail dot com.

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활성화된 설치 항목
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