
Pollcaster Shortcode Plugin

Embed your polls on your WordPress site.
최근 업데이트일
July 18, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목
Pollcaster Shortcode Plugin

Embed your Pollcaster polls on your WordPress site. Allows the use of a special short code [pollcaster] for embedding Pollcaster polls.

Pollcaster + Pollcaster Shortcode Plugin = WordPress lovin’.

Pollcaster is the world’s most engaging poll tool. It lets everyone from Fortune 500 companies to bloggers to create a poll and share it with the world. Now with our WordPress plugin, anyone using WordPress can create and embed polls. This means you can add polls to your site or blog, and your visitors won’t need to leave your site to take them.

You could embed polls on WordPress before, but the process was more complicated and didn’t work for everyone. We’ve simplified things and created the Pollcaster Shortcode Plugin. With it, you create a poll on Pollcaster and grab the WordPress shortcode. Then, with the plugin installed on your site, you can paste that shortcode into any post or page. That’s it! Your poll will appear on your site. Your poll will appear inline with your content, just like when you embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo.

Don’t have a Pollcaster account? No problem. Head over to and sign up for a free account, and start making your own polls.

Current Features

  • Enables use of the Pollcaster Shortcode instead of the traditional Pollcaster embed code.
  • Ability to embed polls as any user type (as opposed to only Editors and Admins).


[pollcaster id="123" width="100%" height="auto"]
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