A smooth ajax-based like/dislike functionality for wordpress posts, pages, Custom post types..
최근 업데이트일
October 17, 2016
활성화된 설치 항목
Post Like Manager

PL Manager is a plugin for adding like and unlike functionality for posts, pages, Custom post types. It has many configuration settings, that you can customize it fully. it will show a list of most liked posts. If you have already liked a post and now you dislike it, then the old voting will be cancelled and vice-versa.

Standard features

  1. AJAX thumbs up/down functionality without refreshing the page.
  2. Wide range of voting period.
  3. 4 beautiful voting styles.
  4. Show/hide +/- symbols before like/unlike count
  5. Allow or block guest users to vote
  6. Custom messages
  7. Exclude specific posts, categories, post types if you do not want this functionality to be shown there
  8. Show the like functionality on top or at the bottom of the content
  9. Show the like functionality on left or right of the content 11.Option to save plugin settings and table even after plugin uninstallation
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활성화된 설치 항목
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