
Order Delivery Date for Jigoshop

Allow the customers to choose an order delivery date on the checkout page for Jigoshop store owners.
최근 업데이트일
September 3, 2012
활성화된 설치 항목

This plugin will allow the customer to choose an order delivery date on the checkout page. The customer can choose any delivery date that is after the current date. The plugin uses the inbuilt datepicker that comes with WordPress.

The delivery date chosen by the customer will be visible to the site administrator while viewing the order under the “Customer Shipping Address” section.

This plugin allows you to improve your customer service by delivering the order on the customer’s specified date.

Pro Version:

  • Order Delivery Date Pro – Pro version comes with a settings page that allows you to choose the delivery week days, enter the minimum time interval (in days) required to deliver any order and the number of dates to offer for delivery. These settings enable the site owner to have a better control on the delivery dates presented on the checkout page. Read more…
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활성화된 설치 항목
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