
Optimize More! – CSS

Optimize CSS Delivery: Load CSS Asynchronously, Delay CSS until User Interaction, Preload Critical CSS, and Remove Unused CSS Files.
최근 업데이트일
April 20, 2022
활성화된 설치 항목
Optimize More! – CSS

Selectively Optimize your CSS Delivery: Load CSS Asynchronously, Delay CSS until User Interaction, Preload Critical CSS, and Remove Unused CSS Files. Part of ThinkWeb's Performance Pack.

Optimize your site further. Minimize or get rid of Remove Unused CSS and Eliminate Render Blocking Resources warnings on Google Page Speed Insights.


  • Load CSS Asynchronously – selectively load CSS file(s) asynchronously.
  • Delay CSS until User Interaction – selectively delay CSS load until user interaction.
  • Preload Critical CSS – selectively preload critical CSS file(s).
  • Remove Unused CSS Files – selectively remove unused CSS file(s).

Optimize More!

Need to optimize more? Try our WordPress Speed Optimization’s Service

More plugin from ThinkWeb

  • Optimize More! Images – A simple yet powerfull image, iframe, and video optimization plugin (Lazy load images / iframes / videos, Preload featured images automatically). Also support lazy loading CSS background images.


This plugin will always be in beta. Though the plugin works perfectly well on most WordPress sites, it’s not perfect. We will always try to enhance and adds more features.

This plugin only adds 1 extra row in your database. And it will self delete upon uninstalation.

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