A Wordpress plugin that allows you to show list of product category or products from your Opencart store in your WordPress blog or website.
최근 업데이트일
March 31, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목

Opencart Product in WP, is a wordpress plugin that allows you to connect your opencart store database and display products in your wordpress blog or website. This plugin comes with two widgets, one for display category and other one is for display Product based on a specific category.

For detailed documentation please visit the plugin page: http://rajibdewan.com/opencart-product-wp/

Features include

  • Comes with two widgets, one for display product category and other one is for display Product.

  • Ability to show product under a specific category.

  • Ability to assign how many product to display.


Access the plugin’s UI in the WordPres dashboard under the “Settings > Opencart Product WP” menu after installation

  1. Specify the Opencart Database Settings and Opencart Store Settings.
  2. Goto the Widget section, You will find ‘Opencart Category Display’ and ‘Opencart Product Display’.
  3. Add widget to one of your sidebars.
  4. Specify Widget options.
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