
Open Links In New Tab

Opens external links and internal links in a new window depending on user settings. Manage all external & internal links on your site.
최근 업데이트일
April 7, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
Open Links In New Tab

Afraid of internal links and external links management? Use the plugin and set the website’s internal links in a new tab, and external links in a new tab. You can choose either an internal link in a new tab or an external link in a new tab. Or Both internal and external links in a new tab.

In some cases, you may need to open links in a new tab. We can achieve this by using this plugin. You can open both external links and internal links in the new tab.

This plugin adds only a few lines of JavaScript code and it does not depend on any external library. It does not even require jQuery, which is the most common JavaScript library. Moreover, the code it produces is completely SEO optimized.

👉 Check the review by ollzo about [Open Links in New Tab](


  • Manage external links
  • Manage internal links
  • Open links in a new tab
  • Open links in a new window
  • SEO friendly

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활성화된 설치 항목
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