ONLYOFFICE Docs plugin allows users to edit and view office documents from WordPress using ONLYOFFICE Docs.
최근 업데이트일
April 15, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

ONLYOFFICE Docs integration plugin allows WordPress administrators to open documents, spreadsheets, and presentations for collaborative editing using ONLYOFFICE Docs (online document editors). In published posts, the editors are visible to all WordPress site visitors (both authorized and unauthorized) in the Embedded mode only.

Editing files uploaded to WordPress

All uploaded files from the Media section will appear on the ONLYOFFICE Docs -> Files page. The editor opens in the same tab by clicking on the file name. Users with administrator rights are able to co-edit documents. All the changes are saved in the same file.

Creating a post

When creating a post, you can add the ONLYOFFICE Docs element (block) and then upload a new file or select one from the Media Library. The added file will be displayed as the ONLYOFFICE logo with the file name in the currently edited post. After the post is published (when you press the Publish or Update button), your WordPress site visitors will have access to this file for viewing in the Embedded mode.

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