

Allows internal CSS styling to be included in the content of the page.
최근 업데이트일
March 14, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목

Allows internal CSS styling to be included in the content of the page.

  • Use the CSS block to add custom CSS.
  • Use the GeSHi block to syntax highlight: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, MySQL or None.

For backward compatibility:

  • Use the [bw_css] shortcode to add custom CSS as and when you need it.

For designers, developers and documenters [bw_css] supports echoing of the custom CSS, allowing you to document the CSS you are using. For readability, the CSS is processed using the Generic Syntax Highlighter (GeSHi) processing.

  • Use the [bw_geshi] shortcode for syntax highlighting of: CSS, HTML(5), JavaScript and jQuery, PHP and MySQL. Also supports language: none.

If the oik base plugin is activated

  • Use the [bw_autop] shortcode to disable or re-enable WordPress’s wpautop() logic.

  • Use the experimental [bw_background] shortcode to display an attached image in the background.

Further reading

If you want to read more about the oik plugins then please visit the oik plugin “OIK – OIK Information Kit”

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