Search a gallery within the NextGEN galleries including description search.
최근 업데이트일
August 10, 2015
활성화된 설치 항목
NextGEN Gallery Search

NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries

NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries adds a search option to the existing NextGEN Gallery menu.

With this search option you can quickly and easily search through your galleries so you don’t have to go through a whole listst of galleries. The output of the search will show in a table similar to the manage galleries page and will provide a link to that gallery.

NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries even adds an option to search in the description which can be helpfull if you don’t remember the name.

And NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries also has the ability to search for part of the name or description. For instance: int will find internet, but also winter, ballpoint, saints etc.

Please note: this plugin requires NextGEN Gallery installed.

Key features:

  1. Find galleries easily!
  2. Search for name or description.
  3. Outputs a link to the gallery.
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