A complete WordPress Recent Posts plugin to show any recent posts widget in sidebar area.
최근 업데이트일
June 12, 2022
MZD Recent Posts

MZD Recent Posts is a easy showing recent posts plugin. No need to have coding knowledge. Simply install the plugin, activate it, drag & drop the widget in your expecting sidebar area. Fill all the fields properly, hit on save button and see the magic.

MZD Recent Posts is a completely free plugin that you can add to empower the core plugin more! This WordPress MZD Recent Posts plugin is lightweight with nice design and so much more!

Get MZD Recent Posts, the most awesome and easily integrated WordPress plugin.


Here are the most notable features of MZD Recent Posts plugin. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us. Below are the best offerings of MZD Recent Posts.

  • Cool Design
  • Customizable
  • Limitation of posts
  • Flexible
  • No coding knowledge required

Looking for the best MZD Recent Posts for WordPress? Get MZD Recent Posts and start to creat your widget in website immediately.

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