
CITS My Account Customize for WooCommerce

Customize your WooCommerce 'My Account' page! Easily adjust menu positions and pick from simple, modern, or dark designs.
최근 업데이트일
May 19, 2024
CITS My Account Customize for WooCommerce

Transform your WooCommerce ‘My Account’ page with our Easy My Account Customizer! This plugin enhances the user experience by offering flexible and stylish design options. It’s perfect for store owners looking to personalize and streamline their site.


  • Menu Position Customization: Position your menu on the left, right, or horizontally.
  • Three Design Styles: Choose from simple, modern, or dark themes to suit your store’s style.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to use, making customization accessible for all.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures a consistent user experience on all devices.
  • Seamless Integration: Complements existing WooCommerce setups without hassle.
  • Regular Updates: Benefit from ongoing enhancements and bug fixes.

Elevate your WooCommerce store with just a few clicks. Download now for a more engaging customer experience!

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